Take Control of Your Money with a

Safe Harbor eQRP® for Businesses

Book A Free Consultation

Have direct control over your
retirement investment.

eQRP® will reduce or eliminate your taxes. It can also increase your employees’
commitment and retention by offering better retirement investment opportunities.

How to Accelerate Your Retirement Growth

Do you have your retirement nest egg tied up with Wall Street?

Advisors love to tell you that the

average return of Wall Street

investments is


Per Warren Buffet

They don’t tell you that between 1926 and 2022, the returns were


ONLY SEVEN TIMES in 96 years!
And…you can bet the brokers still got paid with the investors’ hard-earned money.

There are better ways for you to invest.

The eQRP® gives you complete control over your retirement money, is protected by the U.S. tax code, and has nothing to do with Wall Street’s “casino” investments.


Safe Harbor eQRP® Benefits for SMEs

Savvy business owners are opting for financial freedom by saying goodbye to Wall Street’s “roller coaster” paper investments and hello to Main Street’s tangible assets.

Our team of experts can help accelerate your retirement growth and earlier retirement. Some of the benefits of rolling over conventional 401(k)s and IRAs into an eQRP® include:

Increased Savings

You can contribute up to $67,500 per year into your eQRP® retirement plan vs. just $6000 in your IRA. Choosing specific options can make the eQRP® tax-deferred or completely TAX-free.

Income Equality

There are no income limits. You can maximize your contributions, regardless of what you earn

Investment Leverage

You can invest in real estate and use 90% leverage or more using a private mortgage. You won’t incur the UDFI tax if you use an Enhanced Qualified Retirement Plan (eQRP®) to invest in Real Estate using debt.

Tangible Assets

Invest in and take physical possession of gold and silver. No custodian is required, so you won’t pay extra fees.

Flat Fee

There is a low annual flat fee regardless of portfolio size. You will no longer pay a percentage of your assets under Wall Street’s greedy Assets Under Management (AUM) model.

Complete Control

You’ll experience Total Checkbook control of your account at the bank of your choice. You can write a check without delays, problems, or third-party approval.

Line of Credit

With a $50,000 line of credit against your assets, you can write a check any time you want, without bank qualifying or credit approval. Tap into your assets for any reason.

Asset Protection

ERISA law protects your account against bankruptcy or creditors who would sue to get to your assets.

Greater Options

Use your eQRP® retirement plan to invest in almost any asset. You can invest in U.S. or international real estate, precious metals (gold and silver that you hold), private loan notes, private businesses, commodities, tax liens, and other investment types.


Invest, shelter, and grow wealth using the Roth eQRP®. You won’t pay tax on the gains you or your heirs make. Take yourself, your family, and your employees out of the tax system.

What Our Members Are Saying

“I moved my EVERFI assets into an eQRP and have been a happy customer ever since. Anytime I need anything the eQRP team is there for me.”

Travis Godon

“I love eQRP team customer service. I’m never waiting on hold, and they always call me back. eQRP is not afraid to give advice and help guide me in the right direction.”

Jon Yost

“When you’re told to put money into your 401(k) you gain capital and realize your money is locked up. With an eQRP, I can invest my money the way I want to invest it. I love the education the team has provided to help me understand the options on how to access a W-2 job capital and my big pool of money.”

Ben Dickey

“When you get into the eQRP program you get ownership on how you direct your funds.

Brett Binkley

“I have saved a tremendous amount in taxes. The company offers white glove treatment to the people that are eQRP members.”

Bill Coppedge

“Far beyond retirement, the Badger Tribe (eQRP Member’s Exclusive Community) focuses on your entire life and education and cares about your surroundings.”

Kevin Malmgren

“I love eQRP because it keeps us from paying UBIT tax and is the Ferrari of retirement accounts.”

Bronson Hill

“What I love about the eQRP team and Honey Badger Tribe is that when I hand them a client I fully trust they are taken care of for a lifetime.”

Dave Zook

“I read the QRP book and gave this book to my clients. Because I’m an asset and protection trust lawyer, the whole lawsuit-proof aspect is incredible. eQRP offers lawsuit asset protection.”

Kevin Day

Are you concerned about…

Wall Street’s unpredictability and wild cycles?

Retaining experienced staff?

Paying higher taxes?

Protecting personal assets?

Lack of investment opportunities such as real estate, gold, crypto, and more?

Your retirement destiny?

Working until you’re too old to enjoy it?

Our leadership, advisors, and community will help speed up your retirement growth.
Our leadership, advisors, and community will help speed up your retirement growth.

eQRP® Members Get

  • Fully self-directed 401(k)s
  • Freedom to invest and select the best investments for your retirement goals
  • Retirement plans designed specifically for you and your staff
  • Excellent retention tool to offer your employees with complete control over there retirement accounts
  • Done for you account set up
  • Access to our eQRP® retirement specialists to advise and assist you
  • One flat fee, no hidden management percentages

Interested in learning how an eQRP® can help you and your business?

Book A Free Consultation

Money-Back Guarantee

We understand it can be a huge decision to roll over your accounts. We guarantee that an eQRP® account will work well for you and your staff. You can use the eQRP® for a whole year and achieve significant savings. If you don’t like how well you can control your accounts, the growth, or how much it saves you in taxes and fees by the end of the year, we will give you your money back.

Take Charge of Your Saving Retirement Money and Your Future

You don’t have to suffer from poor financial advice, stock, or bond investments. With eQRP®, you can expect your investment portfolio to grow exponentially in just 5 to 7 years!

eQRP®s can help you and your employees have a better financial future.