Join Stephanie and Unlock Your Retirement Funds!

Stephanie contributed to her company 401K faithfully for many years but always wished that she had other options. In October 2023, she and her husband Craig formed Open Air Properties, LLC, and started to follow The Land Geek recipe for land investing. They soon realized that capital was a constant need for land investing, and yet have resisted the urge to break their 401k funds out due to tax implications.
At a recent mastermind weekend retreat, a fellow investor turned Stephanie on to eQRP. He offered to invest in Open Air Properties using funds from his eQRP LLC. Intrigued, Stephanie immediately checked this program out, and realized the opportunities that it opens up for the budding entrepreneurial life. The opportunity to both invest in other businesses that seem profitable and promising and the opportunity to take tax-free loans were very appealing. It was an easy decision to open an account and move some 401k funds into eQRP. If you would like to talk about this (or land investing) more, please reach out! You can contact Stephanie on Linked In: Stephanie Dean, Roswell GA, most recent employer was The Clorox Company from which Stephanie retired in March 2024.